Solution Trayned Pioneer to empower practices

Existing platforms make comparisons between GPs or benchmark them against a national average, without taking into account your population characteristics. GP practices differ widely in terms of population characteristic, therefore, national benchmarks and average are simply wrong.

Our tool uses your patients’ characteristics such as disease prevalence, demographics and indices of deprivation, to make fair estimates of your performance. It enables you to identify real opportunities for improvement and delivery of more effective care.

Trayned Insight uses predictive analytics to set fair expected performance for your practice on the basis of your specific population characteristics. As patients’ characteristics are highly related to your performance and outcomes, we show you exactly what your practice's real potential is. You know where and how to improve.

Detect real outliers, specific to every GPs patient's population, down to a bespoke area and up to the whole country

Set realistic performance targets and where the best potential of improvements is, and priorities urgent indicators

"Buddy-up": Get in touch with similar practices that performed better and copy their methods

Presented in a comprehensive, easy-to-use and intuitive platform. It gives a clear picture of the solution

Obtain more details on tailored, complex, and multi-factorial analysis without losing sight of the underlying trends

Make on-the-spot adjustments of the model parameters and generate meaningful reports at all level/breakdown

Meet the team

DR Tim Drye
Chief Data Scientist
Dr Michael von Bertele
Co-founder and chairman
Dr Andreas Soliropoulos
Data Scientist
Andrew Wright
Manager, Director
Pierre Thomas
Data analyst, Designer


Latest Insights

Post date: May 16, 2017
Post date: December 13, 2016
Post date: November 17, 2016

Learn more about
Trayned Pioneer