We help decision makers to direct their sales force towards the right GP practices/CCGs
To go beyond summary statistics on you market share, Trayned Insight has developed Trayned Praxis, a ground breaking data analytics platform that enables pharmaceutical companies to:
Trayned Praxis projects with greater precision the expected prescribing level of any drug, on the basis of the characteristics of both the populations and practitioners for every GP practice. This enables unprecedented comparison of actual sales versus expected sales and more accurate measurement of campaign success at multiple levels (practice, CCG, STP or bespoke area).
Exploits unique, proprietary statistical models to analyse GP practice prescribing data sets. |
Identifies unexploited prescribing opportunity with unequalled precision through leading-edge predictive analytics. |
Commutes distinctive analysis to outcomes via visually striking interactive dashboards, heat maps, graphs, charts and tables. |
Robustly supports your sales campaigns to gain competitive edge with downloadable customised statistical reports. |
Streamlined decision-making processes. |
Heatmaps and market insights at any level

Navigate between clusters, hotspots, and other geographic data points to see information at glance.
Prioritise resources, spot outliers and target prescribers

If necessary, you can enable a feature to see how this has shifted over time.
Set realistic targets, measure and track performance

Quantify the potential of your product in the market

The visualisation shown here is that of a cluster of 3 prescribing practice and 1 non-prescriber. It displays both the average opportunity to increase and the probability to initiate prescription among this group.
Detect where the best opportunities to initiate prescribing are

Reveal the best potential to start prescribing or to generate more NIC for each of your drugs. Focus your sales force on the costumers that matters.
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Trayned Pioneer
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